Using Tarot Cards To Gain Understanding Of The Past, Future, And Present

Tarot cards aren’t something to be taken lightly. The power that they hold can easily change a person’s life. Typically, they are used to bring about positive change. Knowing your own past, present, and future allows you to make a positive change that you might not have been able to make without that knowledge.

However, beware of whom you ask to give you your tarot readings. Giving these readings isn’t an easy task. Comprehensive knowledge of the tarot deck can take years. If you receive a wrong reading, this could create negative effects instead of positive ones. In fact, a false reading could create false paranoia within a person. Always ask someone for credentials when getting a reading, and try to use professional providers.

Let’s delve more into how a tarot reading can help you by examining your past, present, and future.


Many believe that they already know the past, but a fresh perspective can tell so much that is unknown. People don’t have great memories and may even forget crucial moments in their lives. People or events may have influenced them when they were too young to know better. With tarot cards you can ask the questions that will reveal crucial moments or lessons in life that you may have forgotten.

When you are doing a tarot reading it can be potentially more benefitting to focus on one moment in time. If you do end up choosing this route, then you could focus on the past. When you are focusing on the past you must ask specific open-ended questions about that moment.

First, let’s look at an example of a bad question that you could ask about your past. This could be how was your childhood affected by your parents? In this question you are accepting the fact that you couldn’t have changed anything about your experience. Being completely out of control is, of course, never true. You always have at least some control over your own actions. That is why you want to ask questions that help you to find out how you can improve yourself.

An example of a good question you could ask is what could you have done to create a better childhood? This way the tarot cards can feed off the positive energy you emit when seeking changes that are good for yourself. This will lead to suggestions that will benefit you, instead of negative memories.

If you don’t want to focus on one point in time, then you can also ask about the present and the future. If you do this, then you will still want to stick to the same subject. This will make it easier for the reading to make sense and be purposeful. Trying to get tarot readings on many different subjects will only skew the reading. Let’s explore what the present reading can hold.


Most people go to a tarot reading because of a situation in which they currently find themselves. They may not be able to discern the solution to the current situation by learning about the present. However, they can find out if they are currently headed in a positive or negative direction.

For example, you could use the present tarot card reading to see what immediate problems you have created for yourself. This way when you have your readings for the past and present you can figure out why you aren’t in a great situation currently.

If you look at the online website, 121 TarotReadings, this is exactly how they model their tarot readings. They aren’t there to watch you struggle in your current situation without providing any help. They want to help you by using their tarot readings find fixes to your problems.

Though the present tarot reading may be the most troublesome, it can also be the most helpful. Instead of being ignorant about what is going to happen, you can find out what the problem is and make changes to ensure that the negativity won’t happen again. This can greatly reduce fear in your life because you will have understanding.

The present can be the most troublesome because it is imminent. The future reading is feared, because of what would have happened if you hadn’t received the tarot reading.


Looking into your future can be very scary. We don’t want to believe that destiny is being made through our current actions. However, a tarot reading can give you a great idea of where you are headed given the choices you are making day in and day out. It removes fear from the equation by letting you know that you can change your future if it is negative.

The most important part of the future tarot reading is to realise that you must stay away from old habits. It’s similar to a setting up a long term goal because many people make a positive change in their life through a goal. However, they end up forsaking it because they don’t know what could happen if they don’t follow through. Tarot reading will eliminate that doubt and give you the motivation needed to persevere toward your goal. For example, are you worried about whether your smoking will affect your future? The tarot reading can tell you if you need to stop smoking. The knowledge given by the tarot reading gives immense power.


Tarot reading isn’t an activity you should consider if you are someone who rarely takes responsibility for your life. Knowing how your actions have affected you negatively, or even positively, can be a massive burden. Many people don’t want to shoulder this burden because it could mean making big changes in their life.

Nonetheless, changes that stem from positive motivation to better yourself are always beneficial.

If you know that you are a person who needs a life-changing event to start down a better road, then this is for you. By getting a clear understanding of where your life is going, you can easily make a better effort to improve.

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