The Top Effective Ways To Clear Blocked Drains

One of the most common plumbing problems, that you would find more or less in every house, are clogged drains. These blockages can occur at any time and hamper your daily life; hence it will be a wise decision to know the best ways to deal with them. If left untreated, the blockages can lead to several other issues like leaking drains, which can damage your property. If your home’s plumbing system has several blockages, the water pressure would build up and ultimately this can lead to the pipes bursting. This can cause major damages and would cost you a lot to repair everything. So if your property’s drains get blocked, here are a few effective ways to clear them immediately.

Boiling Water

Pouring hot boiling water on the clogged drain is one of the best ways to clear blocked drains London. In several cases, the hotness of the water is able to dissolve all the clogged particles and thus helps in clearing the drain without taking any drastic measures. However, before doing this, ensure that the piping system at your property is made of metal or ceramic, and not PVC as the heat would loosen its joint. If you have got a PVC pipe, use tap water instead of the hot one. The procedure would work to remove grease or food build-up but it will not work for any kind of solid blockages.

Natural Cleaner

You can DIY a natural cleaner to clean blocked drains London. For this, you would need two things- baking soda and vinegar. Pour them into your drain in the given order, one by one, and cover it to prevent the bubbles from coming out of the pipe. The chemical reaction between these two compounds would help in clearing out the drain. To clear out the blockage entirely, you would need to repeat this procedure a few times. Once done, flush the solution out with running water.


You might be using a plunger to clean your clogged toilet, but you can use it to clear your blocked drain too. Ensure to cover all the overflow spouts to get a strong seal before you start using the plunger. The pressure created by the plunger helps to loosen all types of blockages to ensure that you get a smooth flow in your pipe once again. These are mostly used for all types of solid blockages, but they do not work on grease or any other material build-up.

These are some of the easiest and effective ways of clearing your blocked drains. You should try these home remedies first and see if it works. In case of extreme blockages that are not getting cleared through these methods, contact an experienced plumbing company. They have the right equipment to assist you in these cases.

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